Hey, what's up ? Here's my third collection of cursors for Windows 95. The files with the .ani are animated. The.cur are not. Hope you like ! -Keith Hicks @ 74654,3504 on CompuServe All cursors are freeware as long as they are used for personal purposes. I'm really doing them for myself So, why shouldn't I share them. Note: I tried to keep the 'hot spot', part of the cursor you point with, in the upper left corner.If there is no corner then the center should be the pointer. Well, I've been doing a lot of cursor drawing lately. So, there are a lot more cursors than my previous uploads ! I've tried to make a standard template for filenames, since there are so many. What I've done is create 4 cursors for each 'theme' and name each cursor with the 'theme name' followed by a dash and a letter representing one of the following types of pointers. -N is the 'Normal select' -H is the 'Help select' -W is the 'Working in Background' -B is the 'Busy' For example: Cirle-N.cur would be a Circle type cursor file suitable for the 'Normal Select' Also most of my cursor themes have some part green for normal, yellow for working in background and red for Busy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the 'theme names' in the zip (4 files for each) How to use after descriptions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTEN_N -- a 'building blocks' type Antenna theme ARROW-N -- a simple arrow with a color circle to show the state B_ARR-N -- an arrow made of blocks (very nice) CIRCLE-N - a circle or ring with a whole for the hot spot DOT-N ---- a great animated dot or button ! HAND_N --- excellent animated hand ! ( My favorite ) MAGN-N --- a cool magnifying glass theme.Center of glass is hot spot. PHASE-N -- my attempt at a 'Sci-Fi' styled phaser. ( another favorite ) PIZZA-N -- pizza, actually my nephew's cursors. (came out great ) S_CON2-N - a rotating cone. ( excellent ! ) S_CONE-N - same as S_con2 but the cone spins slower TRI_N ---- a good 3D triangle pointer ReadME.txt - You're looking at it right now. How to use ? ------------ open control panel -> mouse ( control panel is in [start] -> settings ) select the 'pointer' tab. before changing the pointers it's a good idea to select 'save as' and enter a name for your current setup. ex. 'mine' or default' Double click on the cursor you want to change. ex. 'normal select' Move to the directory the cursors are in and double click the new cursor. A single click will give a preview in the bottom left corner. Repeat for any other cursors. Click 'Apply' to use the cursors without exiting. click 'save as' and give this setup a name. ex. 'Phaser' click 'OK'. I hope you like the cursors. I'm getting a lot better. More to come. Feel free to contact me. I need to know how they look and what can be improved. Keith Hicks 74654,3504 on Compuserve